Since we are all stuck at home, why not put the kids to work! Cooking with kids is not only a way to give yourself a hand in the kitchen but it is also a way to target a multitude of different speech and language skills. Something that can be super helpful while cooking is to incorporate visuals. This could include pictures of the ingredients or even just pictures attached to the recipe to help make it easier for children to identify the different parts. Visuals can also help in communicating when a child is unable to determine the accurate word to use but may be able to identify the picture. Cooking with kids creates a great learning opportunity to help increase vocabulary, target answering/asking WH questions, describing nouns, following directions, naming/identifying actions, labeling, basic concepts and so much more! I have attached a list of Cooking Vocabulary that can be targeted in the Kitchen!

For those of you who are thinking “I am not a chef” no need to worry this can be done with something as simple as cut and bake cookie dough! You can have your child “roll” out the dough and use cookie cutters to make different shapes! Targeted vocabulary can include roll, cut, push and bake.
A few weeks ago, we made homemade pasta for Sunday Dinner and my niece couldn’t wait to be a part of the action. Some vocabulary we targeted was “in” “turn” "pat" and “push.” She loved getting to help out in the kitchen and always loves helping her mom in the kitchen at home as well!

Don’t forget to share what you are cooking up in the kitchen this week with your kids on The Speech Barn’s Facebook and Instagram!