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Writer's pictureNicole Raso

Activity of the Day: Turning Screen Time into Educational Opportunities!

Well it’s raining and gloomy here today, which means unfortunately we are stuck inside. Why not turn TV shows and iPad apps into educational learning opportunities! Obviously with kids are home they can’t help but feel like they are on vacation and I can’t blame them. While we want to limit screen time while they are home there are ways, we can turn screen time into educational opportunities as well.

1. Practice identifying main idea, characters and setting.

2. Have them write down any words they hear during the TV show that they are unsure of the meaning. Then have them research to find the definition of the word.

3. Have them pick 10-15 words during a 30-minute show and at the end have them identify synonyms and antonyms of the words they chose.

4. If your child is working on articulation have them listen for their speech sounds and imitate the words during commercials that they heard with their speech sounds.

5. You can work on problem solving and predicting by using commercials and/or pausing as a chance to allow your kids to “guess” what is going to happen next.

6. COMMERCIALS are great to use for guessing games, specifically Superbowl commercials. You can use YouTube to play old commercials have your children use their inferencing skills to try and guess what the commercial is for.

Opportunities are endless when YOU are in control of the electronic device and/or remote and utilize the screen time to help work on different speech and language skills! Please feel free to reach out if you need any help or recommendations for your child’s individual needs!

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